The Work at Home Ethic Could Lead to More Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants
It may feel like the COVID-19 pandemic has been going on forever, but it began not too long ago, and it will eventually end. Some things will not go back to the way they were before the pandemic anytime soon, though. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that, in many industries, working from home is not only possible, but also more efficient than having workers commute to an office. It could also increase the incidence of certain types of disputes between landlords and their residential and commercial tenants. These days, Alabama courts are having to decide a lot of eviction cases about nonpayment of rent where residential tenants got laid off or commercial tenants were forbidden to conduct their most profitable business activities. In the next few years, though, Alabama eviction lawyers might represent clients who are terminating leases because of a different set of problems.
Residential Landlords in the Work from Home Era
An editorial published by Bloomberg says that the fact that an unprecedented number of people are working from home during the pandemic and will probably continue to do so even after a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available is bad news for landlords, but if the landlords adjust their business strategy accordingly, it is not necessarily all gloom and doom. During the pandemic and beyond, when tenants rent a place to live, they will also be renting a place to work. You as a landlord should set up your rental properties so that they are conducive to working from home. These are some things tenants will be looking for in residential properties, features which are especially important for tenants who work from home:
- Reliable Internet access
- Quiet, even when most people spend their workday at home
- Reliable air conditioning to keep the apartments cool while tenants attend online video meetings all day in their work clothes
What does this have to do with eviction? In many landlord-tenant disputes, the tenant argues that the landlord did not hold up their end of the lease agreement, such as by maintaining the amenities of rental units.
Commercial Landlords and the Work from Home Era
The editorial was much more pessimistic about the near future for commercial landlords. The value of retail properties has decreased during the pandemic in numerous cities. If you own a commercial property, it is time to meet with a business lawyer and start brainstorming about how to make your commercial property profitable again. You might need to renovate it so that it can function as a different kind of business. You might need to sell it to someone who wants to turn it into a residential building, since residences are the new offices. Perhaps the best strategy is to meet with your current tenants and with your lawyer about how to move forward.
Contact Us Today for Professional Help
An Alabama eviction lawyer can help you find creative solutions so you can resolve current disputes with your tenants and prevent future disputes. Contact Cloud Willis & Ellis for help.